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What's happening in the world of digital learning?

Jack Gayler
Aug 23, 2021
CenarioVR® - Actions
In this blog, I'll be giving you a brief overview of the variety of actions you can add to your CenarioVR scenarios. A little about me:...

Jack Gayler
Jul 22, 2021
CenarioVR® - Objects Overview
In this blog, I'll be giving you a brief overview of the variety of objects you can add to your CenarioVR scenarios. A little about me:...

Kristen Featherstone
Jun 26, 2018
Love Lectora: Offset From Bottom
This is one of those features that got added into Lectora while we were in the middle of a busy project. I had a cursory glance at it and...

Kristen Featherstone
Jun 12, 2018
Love Lectora: Submitting Test Results
Have you ever created a great e-learning course but find out that your test is not sending its results? This is an all too common issue...

Ashleigh Hull
Jun 4, 2018
Why VR?
Our previous blog gives some excellent reasons why you would use video, or interactive video, for learning. But the elearning world is...

Kristen Featherstone
May 29, 2018
Love Lectora: Randomising Tests
One of the great features of Lectora is being able to randomise your tests. This gives you the ability to 'shake it up a bit' when it...

Ashleigh Hull
May 21, 2018
Why Interactive Video?
Why video? Here are 3 reasons why you should use video in learning - though there are many more. Storytelling Firstly, video is a medium...

Kristen Featherstone
May 1, 2018
Love Lectora: Course Publishing With Error Check
One of Lectora's powerful features is its error checking of the course when you publish it. Lectora does a publish check before doing a...

Kristen Featherstone
Apr 24, 2018
Love Lectora: Setting SCORM Functions
If your course is to be loaded to a Learning Management System (LMS) that tracks the outcome of your course - e.g. the lesson status and...

Kristen Featherstone
Apr 17, 2018
Love Lectora: Lectora’s Course Folder Structure
Moved your Lectora title, got loads of errors when trying to open it and then all your images disappear? Got a deadline to meet and...

Kristen Featherstone
Apr 10, 2018
Love Lectora: ALT tags
Ever wondered what those bits of text are that appear when you hover over images or buttons in a browser? Don't know what they’re there...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 5, 2018
Storytelling In Learning: Some Examples
Stories engage, and stories teach; it makes a great deal of sense to use stories in learning. We explored how and why you should do this...
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