We know that you might be facing new challenges or struggles right now. One way we thought we could help is by putting together this list of useful and interesting stuff that people are doing around covid-19:
The Facts
How well do you know your coronavirus facts? Take this quiz from the BBC to find out
Here’s some funky data visualisations
eLearning Software
Trivantis is offering free Lectora Online Team Plans to any academic organisation in need of eLearning software
Here's a great application of mixed reality by medical teams
Remote Working
Articulate’s webinar gives top tops on transitioning your team to remote working (register to access the recording)
Our Clients
Suddenly not feeling all that resilient? The BCI work in business continuity & organisational resilience. Here are their latest resources & news on the c word; and they’re also running some webinars on self-care while supporting your business and on having a resilient mindset
ACCA's wellbeing ambassador explores some tools to help with motivation, goal setting, and energy in this webinar
ACCA have also put together some tips to stay safe & sane if you're parenting in the pandemic
We’ve been equipped to work online and remotely for years, so even with the coronavirus throwing down the gauntlet, we’re still pretty much conducting business as usual. If we can help you out in any way - with advice on homeworking, consultation around online learning, or working with you to produce some content - drop a line to enquiry@transition.co.uk.