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What's happening in the world of digital learning?

Ashleigh Hull
Apr 18, 2016
This One's On Us
Some freebie ideas you could use to improve engagement in your learning (wahoo!). One of the things I've been thinking about lately is,...

Ashleigh Hull
Apr 11, 2016
Giving Learners Superpowers
I have been asking a lot of questions, and not offering any answers. This seems unfair of me. 'Where are the games?' I asked. Your...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 29, 2016
What's Your Score Actually Telling You?
I had a chat with Miles Corbett (managing director) the other day about scoring in elearning. He seemed very agitated about it so I sat...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 26, 2016
What's It All For?
Have we forgotten that learning is about the learner? That's the main thought I came away from the Learning Technologies conference with...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 25, 2016
Vive La Révolution
In a recent blog I talked about the Khan Academy, a non-profit educational organisation which aims for nothing less than to provide "a...

Ashleigh Hull
Jan 12, 2016
Education Revolution
I recently came across this thing called the Khan Academy. It is not, as I initially believed, some bizarre Star Trek offshoot - it’s a...

Ashleigh Hull
Nov 11, 2015
Ready, Set, Engage: Interactive Video
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin The words interactive video have been...

Ashleigh Hull
Nov 2, 2015
The Upgrade We've Been Waiting For
Maybe you never even knew you were waiting. I certainly didn’t. But as it turns out, we all were - waiting, hoping, dreaming, that...

Ashleigh Hull
Jul 7, 2015
Case Study: Transport
Untangling a web of technology issues

David Bowden
Mar 20, 2015
xAPI: Trustworthy Tracking
The capabilities of xAPI (Tin Can) mean that learning professionals could become accumulators and analysers of ‘big data’, with all the...

David Bowden
Feb 25, 2015
xAPI: Trust me, I'm not Big Brother
In the words of the guys at Rustici: “Tin Can API (sometimes known as the Experience API) is a brand new specification for learning...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 12, 2015
Case Study: Manufacturing
Health & safety compliance that's actually memorable
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